...the travails of a bullshit knitter.

101 (somewhat) Fun Facts About Me

1. I produce theatre. All kinds.
2. My mom taught me to knit when i was 13. I stopped for a while, but re-taught myself about 4 years ago.
3.My grandmother, Rose, recently sent me all of her knitting needles, etc. She's too ill to knit now.
4. My grandmother's name isn't actually Rose. I call her that because one Xmas she announces "I'm not going to help clean up, I'm just going to sit here like Rose Kennedy". Her name is really Doris.
5. I love a parade.
6. Every summer I am the hood ornament on a float at Coney Island's Mermaid Parade.
7. Most every year I march in the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village.
8. Hence I am a dork.
But not the lame-ass Renaissance Faire sort.
10. My favorite Shakespeare comedy is Love's Labors Lost. Couldn't begin to pick just one of the tragedies.
11. Also a big fan of Jose Rivera, Lorca, Wilde, Shaw, Tony Kushner, Sarah Ruhl, Irene Fornes, etc. etc, et. alia, ad nauseum.....
12. I'm not a joiner.
13. The wife's a journalist.
14. And she's writing a book, and (as of recently) a radio babe.
15. The wife says I should say about myself that I have a really small nose.
16. I've got a wife, everyone in my life knows I've got a wife, but I still find labels like lesbian limiting.
17. I also think "gay pride" is as dumb as "right handed pride" or "type A+ blood pride". I'm proud of achievements, not shit I was born with.
18. But since I love a parade (see #5) I generally go to the Pride March.
19. I consider myself a bullshit knitter. I'm mostly self taught (classes are for joiners, see #11), and hence fake my way through most things. Things seems to turn out just fine, but I suspect there plenty of things I'm missing.
20. I tried to be a Continental knitter, but can't manage it. I suspect it's just because I'm lazy.
21. I'm lazy.
22. I just moved out of NYC (after 11 years!) and am now trying to figure out what it means to be a "person who lives in Bucks County, PA". It wasn't nearly so hard to figure out what it means to be a New Yorker--it means you're grouchy, broke and dress oddly.
23. I suppose I still dress oddly.
24. When making the blog, I tried to think of some clever pun on Tale of Two Cities and how I knit the names of folks I dislike into my knitting, but got tired and stopped. (see #21)
25. I'm very much enjoying having a yard for the first time.
26. Like every other knitter, I've got cats.
27. Three.
28. Siamese. (Silence is a dim memory.)
29. Two are named after characters from Brideshead Revisited (the wife named them, so she gets the Pretentious Prize, not me) and one isn't.
30. We're getting a new kitty in September.
31. We're naming him Nilo, after a playwright I'll be working with in the fall. I'm going on the notion that if I know the writer, it's not pretentious.
32. I may be wrong.
33. Still, Nilo's a really good name for a cat.
34. While I'm an avid (perchance obsessive?) knitter, and have other pursuits I feel the same way about as I do knitting, I shudder at the thought of being a "hobbyist". Gives one chills.
35. I also dislike the idea of being an "enthusiast". Makes me think of earnest middle-aged couples in Winnebagos.
36. Though I actually kind of like Winnebagos.
37. That said, aforementioned "enthusiasms" include: gardening (see #25)...entirely consuming, (admittedly) snobby reading (while walking, while doing the dishes, while making dinner)... cultural oddities...road trips...parades (see #5)...and of course all the lesbo sports-hiking, biking, cunnilingus and obsessive over analysis of one's relationship.
38. My favorite TV show is What Not To Wear on BBC America. I love those two high-toned British bitches, and long for them to grab my boobs and tell me my bra isn't supportive enough.
39. Though I'm also quite fond of the worm eating on Guinness Book of World Records.
40. I think Lesbian Culture is an oxymoron.

...more to come. Poor you

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