....the travails of a Bullshit Knitter.


the blog




family pix

101 things

e-mail me


faux-aran socks:

 bulky turtle:

square neck tank

no bobble hat:
Hi all-
Here's my Knitblog/Knitting site/sad, sad attempt at HTML. I've not figured out how to alter Blogspot code, but even a trained monkey can handle Dreamweaver, so until I sort it all out (hopefully it won't take long to train the monkey), you'll need to access my blog from here:

The Blog:
click rightcheah for lots of blather:

Feel free to snag the button-lord knows i'll probably snag yours.
(obviously, though, save it all to your own server first)
Love Affairs:

anna knits, glampyre, wendy knits, the blue blog, the knitting curmudgeon, queerjoe, redlipstick, fluffa!, the domestic sphere, knitty!!!!, chicknits, loobylou, wabi sabi, blogdogblog, will knit for food, indigirl, crafty bitch, squiblog, one more row, bagatell, nake-id knits, and there's sure to be more.....