...the travails of a bullshit knitter.

Finished Projects

The Sweater Hat!
This is a cool-ass cabled hat that looks like a teeny tiny Aran sweater for your head! Snagged the pattern out of Knitters Winter 2000. My first venture into cabling, and I think it turned out swell. Every single soul I show it to feels compelled to jam it on their head, which I am taking as a good sign. The wifey models it below:
The Devil Hat!
This hat has the distinction of being made entirely during technical rehearsals of The Tempest. Pattern freely stolen from right here. Thanks, Kittyville! Be kind, remember, this entire hat was knit in the dark! Again, the wifey models:
The Stripy Sock!
Took a recent (6.26-30.03) tripto Ashland, Oregon for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and was told IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS by Northwest Airlines that I couldn't bring knitting needles aboard. I suffered through the 12-hour yarn-free trip to Oregon, but upon arrival I got my fiber jonesing ass posthaste to The Websters, one of the finest yarn stores I have ever put eyeball to. They hooked me up with some 1 1/2 bamboo double points and the lovely self striping Lana Grossa you see before. Better than methadone. The foot you see before you is mine, the cat's name is Lily:
..of course these aren't my only finished projects, but rather the only ones that haven't made their way to other owners, or just happen to be hanging around the house. The sock's actually a fake FO, as I've moved on to start a pair of self-Fair Isle-ing socks first. Sue me.

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